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DEC Connectivity

SunLink DNI

SunSoft, Inc

SunLink(TM) DNI enables workstations and servers to communicate and shareresources with DEC systems as DECnet Phase IV end-node VAX or PDP-11systems. SunNet(TM) DNI functions include: remote login, file transfer,remote directory listing, support for transparent access to client DECwindows applications, a SunNet Manager(TM) agent for network managementin the Sun(TM)/DEC environment, VMS mail gateway support, programmatictask-to-task session interface, and VT100 terminal emulation.SunLink DNI includes VT100 terminal emulation, but for users who do notneed full DECnet capabilities, SunLink TE100 is available separately.With SunLink TE100, workstation windows emulate VT100 display terminalsto remotely access DEC systems. Users have a choice of font style,character size, and display size. With the workstation mouse, users caneasily copy text between VT100 windows and workstation windows.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

SunSoft, Inc
2550 Garcia Ave
Mountain View, CA 94043
Phone: (415) 960-1300
        (800) SUNSOFT (USA only)
Fax: (415) 969-9131